Friday, June 13, 2008

Things have gone terribly, terribly right!

First off, Happy Salami-Day to Padreki, rally-killer that you are.

Secondly, after a gem by Andy tonight, a glimmer of hope is sparked in the Yankeeverse. Here are the things that need to go right for the Yankees to go on a tear and finally reach two or three games over .500.

- Andy has to settle in.
- Joba has to pitch efficiently.
- Moose has to keep selling children to the devil to continue his renaissance.
- Wang has to return to Wangdome.
- Hawkins has to leave.
- Dave Robertson or Mark Melancon have to come up to steady the bullpen.
- Giambi needs to keep the mustache.
- Jeter, Melky, and Cano have to at least become average athletes.

If these things can coincide, we can finally take advantage of the last leg of our cupcake schedule.

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